Elizabeth White, Technology Educator & Designer
Agillion Software, Austin, TX
Interaction Designer 1995-1997
This ambitious new business emerged from Frank Moss of Tivoli Systems and Steve Papermaster, of BSG Consulting. Agillion, which stood for "agility for the millions" aimed to create customer management software for small businesses. Agillion provided easy-to-create, two-way customized Web pages called Agillion CustomerPages(SM). I was the first designer hired and was in charge of the software design from initial concept to the exact pixel execution. I worked with a team of other interaction designers to create a standards manual which was then given to the software development team to execute. Finally, I conducted user tests for improvements on future releases.
Susan Dell’s (wife of Michael Dell) brand/store sold couture clothes for women. Her website needed to seamlessly integrate with Agillion’s customer software. These screen shots show examples of proposed portals/home pages, and then Customer Pages for Dell’s clients.
At Agillion, the sales team would often need a demo on very short notice to show prospective clients. The salesperson would list some quick ideas for me on paper, and I would create a screen shot to illustrate their ideas more clearly. This is an example of what I would receive from a salesperson....
Susan Dell’s (wife of Michael Dell) brand/store sold couture clothes for women. Her website needed to seamlessly integrate with Agillion’s customer software. These screen shots show examples of proposed portals/home pages, and then Customer Pages for Dell’s clients.