Elizabeth White, Technology Educator & Designer

to see their robot compete on the floor

White Oak TCEA Competition for Region 7

to see their robot compete on the floor
Engineering Activities
at Pine Tree High School:
Robotics Club
Sponsors: Elizabeth White & Brittney Jones
Robotics Club meets after school to prepare for several yearly contests including the Texas Computer Education Association Robotics Contest and the Region 7 Robotics Contests. TCEA contest requires a great amount of planning, design and practice prior to the competition. The theme of TCEA's 2018 contest was "Mission to Mars"- where students had to design robots with self- extracting communication systems, colors sensors, and the ability to pick up soil samples and return them to base camp. Region 7 Robotics Contests are on-the-spot, skills tests that encourage team work and quick thinking.

Principles of Engineering Class
Teacher: Elizabeth White
With our STEAM activities we stress the design process for each project and introduce students to different types of engineering: civil, mechanical, biomedical, aerospace. etc with hands-on projects. Students also create a digital porftfolio, weekly blogs, and follow a college-level reading curriculum that stresses diversity, including "the Great Bridge," by David McCullough, "The Colored Cadet at West Point," by Henry O. Flipper, and "Hidden Figures" by Margot Lee Shetterly. We appreciate our relationship with LeTourneau University and are frequent visitors to their Thursday Science Lecture Series.

Annual TAME Competition at LeTourneau University Aviation Center

Tour of the airport

Annual TAME Competition at LeTourneau University Aviation Center
Sponsors: Elizabeth White & Brittney Jones
Pine Tree High School has an extremely active TAME chapter. TAME is an after school group that enables students to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) by:
Creating partnerships among educators, industry, government and families to inform, educate and motivate students
Implementing classroom and extra-curricular programs and activities
Focusing on populations that remain underrepresented in fields of STEM
Promoting diversity in STEM careers

G-TEK received a personal tour for the Neutral Boyancy Lab director, Chris Hull. This is how astronauts train for space.

G-TEK students participated in learning about the laws of gravity

G-TEK received a personal tour for the Neutral Boyancy Lab director, Chris Hull. This is how astronauts train for space.

G-TEK is a club that promotes engineering among women and minorities.
Sponsors: Elizabeth White and Allen Morris