Elizabeth White, Technology Educator & Designer
Educational Design
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East Texas Engineering College and Career Guide
I researched and designed this book to help high school students in the Engineering or Manufacturing CTE Pathway to make more informed choices about college and careers in East Texas. This is a live, 214+ page document that details colleges and employers in East Texas. Local scholarships and free STEM summer camps are also listed.
Many students at rural, Title 1 schools may be 1st generation college students. This book helps clarify the difference between schools, programs, and ultimately jobs. It also helps compare salaries- so students can make more informed decisions about whether or not to attend college and if so whether to attend a 2 or 4 year school.
Photography Magazines &
Student Art Newsletters
I created the photo magazine with an app called JooMag. It is a professional and comprehensive way to inform parents about what is going on in class. We also posted our magazine to social media so the community at large could see the awards students earned.
I was asked to coordinate an academy at Region 7 to help other Engineering Teachers. Included in this presentation are my curriculum, certification process, and best practices.
Conference Presentation, WeTeach_CS 2024
This slide show helps teachers learn how to help their students write, design, and code a Choose Your Own Adventure Story. This presentation will be given at the WeTeach_CS Conference in Dallas, in June 2024.
The Day the Dragons Came to Hawkins
This is a book I designed with my GT 2nd graders- or rather- they created. It's a spin-off on the Day the Crayons Came Home by Drew Daywalt. Each student had to create a dragon, design and write a postcard, find custom stamps, add all the photos- etc. I put it together and printed it for the class.