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Publication Design 

Wicked Creatures of Cape Cod & the Islands


Illustrated by Eli White

Written and Designed by Elizabeth White

Schiffer Publishing


My son, Eli started drawing these Wicked Creatures when he was 8 years old. I thought they were pretty clever, so we decided to write the stories and send the ideas to Schiffer Publishing. To our delight- the book was accepted. They asked me to design the book in an "activity" format. 


Wicked Creatures is available at Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, and many Cape and Islands stores.

Celebrating Cape Cod & the Islands Traditions, Festivals and Food


Written by Kathryn Kleekamp

Photos and Art Direction by Elizabeth White

Schiffer Publishing


My mother, Kathryn Kleekamp, wrote this book out of her love for the wonderful history and people that make up Cape Cod and the Islands. From the Wampanoag Native American PowWow, to the Portuguese Boat Celebration to the Greek Food Festival and more. I was the art director for the book and photographer (unless otherwise credited on photos.)


Celebrating Cape Cod is available at Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, and many Cape and Islands stores.

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Cape Cod and the Islands: Where Beauty and History Meet

2nd Edition


Written by Kathryn Kleekamp

Art Direction by Elizabeth White

Schiffer Publishing


My mother, Kathryn Kleekamp, is a painter. This book is a collection of her work as it relates to Cape Cod and the Islands of Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. I designed the cover and was the art director for the book- establishing a format for all chapters. 


Cape Cod and the Islands is available at Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, and many Cape and Islands stores.

Elizabeth White: Technology, Design & Education   Email:

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